Blue Planet Photography - Art From Earth

I'm a professional photographer and this blog generally contains information about photography. But, since I also spent part of my life as a wildlife biologist, there will be some items about the environment as well. Maybe even some irritable ramblings.

My Photo
Location: Nampa, Idaho, United States


Scanner Photography

Most of us with flatbed scanners have scanned 3D objects and others have photographed, or "scannergraphed" such things as flowers and printed them large as fine art prints. Here's a site by Mike Golembewski calledThe Scanner Photography Project where he's taken a flatbed scanner and attached it to the back of a 4x5 camera, creating a homemade 115 megapixel digital camera. Very interesting.

The site has image examples, descriptions of the technique, special features of scanner photography, basic instructions on how to make your own "scanner back", and tips on getting software to work with your modified scannercamera.

I have to say that just going through the site I can tell this type of thing isn't for everyone. The chance of ruining the scanner is fairly high and the need for code modification of the Twain software necessitates either having that knowledge or having a friend with that knowledge. Good Luck!


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