Blue Planet Photography - Art From Earth

I'm a professional photographer and this blog generally contains information about photography. But, since I also spent part of my life as a wildlife biologist, there will be some items about the environment as well. Maybe even some irritable ramblings.

My Photo
Location: Nampa, Idaho, United States


Real Beginning of the end for film?

This just in. A report in Japan's Mainichi newspaper today (Friday 1/13/06) states that Nikon has officially announced they are going to cease development of film cameras and that all current models except the F6 and FM10 will be discontinued. These 2 models will remain in production (for how long?) along with 9 lenses (no list).

There will coe (if it has not already) when the demand for digital products meets then exceeds the demand for film products. At that point film products will be dropped. We've seen it recently with Kodak discontinuing production of black and white printing papers, Polaroid discontinuing Time-Zero film, no new film cameras debuted at PMA in 2005, etc. The tide is turning. Start honing your computer skills.


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