Blue Planet Photography - Art From Earth

I'm a professional photographer and this blog generally contains information about photography. But, since I also spent part of my life as a wildlife biologist, there will be some items about the environment as well. Maybe even some irritable ramblings.

My Photo
Location: Nampa, Idaho, United States


International Decade for Action, "Water for Life" 2005 - 2015

The United Nations has declared the next decade, beginning March 22 (World Water Day), the International Decade for Action, "Water for Life". Here is a PDF file of the resolution. Water is indispensible for the existence of human life and most every other lifeform and process on Earth. The Earth is nearly 70% covered by water and the human body is composed of nearly 70% water. We drink it, grow our food with it, play in it, clean with it, make useful materials with it as well as pollute it and take it for granted. Despite its abundance, it is a finite resource that requires respect and care in its use and application. I encourage you to think about water, particularly over this next summer and into the winter. Take stock of your personal use of water and how it plays a role in your life. Shoot some photographs or paint some pictures of water subjects. Then, continue that process through the rest of your life, not just into the next decade.


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