DNA Computing
Columbia University and the University of New Mexico have created MAYA II, an array of YES and AND logic gates made from strands of DNA. This array is able to play tic-tac-toe.

DNA computers work on a molecular scale and it's estimated that a cubic centimeter of DNA can hold the same amount of information as a trillion music CDs (I'll bet Apple is watching this technology closely. Think of it, an Ipod that is actually an apple - just kidding, but it would be cool). Molecular computers also produce electricity as a byproduct of DNA reactions, which means that DNA-based computers could eventually operate without depending upon an outside powersource. Think of laptops or cell phones with an inexhaustible power supply. The immediate hope for this technology is for internal medicine and biomedical research. DNA computers, coupled with nanomachines, could operate within the human body without rejection or the need for cumbersome power sources, diagnosing illness, maintaining regulatory functions (blood sugar, cholesterol), administering medications (insulin, cancer treatments directly to affected sites), and general upkeep (scouring plaque from blood vessel walls, for example), maybe even helping pump up our own brain functions (memory storage or recall, loading of skill sets, a la Johnny Mnemonic, the Matrix [Keanu Reeves coincidence is just that], or Total Recall). Then you would not need genetic engineering to create a smarter person, just insert a genetic computer to become whatever type of person you want to be or plug in a "designer" module to fit the particular situation.
That might be a little creepy if you think about it too much. However, integrating molecular components with current technology isn't possible yet, however. And, the computational speed still leaves a lot to be desired. A single tic-tac-toe move with MAYA II can take up to 30 minutes, so don't get your hopes up yet for help improving Photoshop.
More information is found Here.
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