Blue Planet Photography - Art From Earth

I'm a professional photographer and this blog generally contains information about photography. But, since I also spent part of my life as a wildlife biologist, there will be some items about the environment as well. Maybe even some irritable ramblings.

My Photo
Location: Nampa, Idaho, United States


Hunting Mishaps

I'm sure that in light of the recent hunting mishap of Vice President Cheney, we will be hearing about similar incidents occuring around the country. Here's one that is likely to be at the top of the list:

In Golden Township, Michigan, a couple buddies, George and Greg, were out hunting (for what the article doesn't say). George was wearing camouflage and an orange hat. I assume Greg was also wearing camo, but it doesn't say. The two buddies split up. George sat down next to a tree, pulled a hood up over his orange hat, and waited. Maybe he had a smoke or started daydreaming about what he would do if he won the lottery. Greg, off on his own and apparently preferring to stalk his prey, noticed something interesting near a tree and began his approach. Thinking he had a squirrel in his sights he fired. I guess Greg was prety surprised when George probably yelled and leaped from behind the tree holding his elbow that Greg had just shot.

Lesson #1: when splitting up - keep the orange visible just in case your buddy (or other hunters) think you're a squirrel or deer or a moose or an elk or a bear or a quail or something moving in the bushes.

Lesson #2: when splitting up - clearly define the areas you're going to cover to prevent hunting the same patch (see #1).

Lesson #3: clearly identify your target before pulling the trigger.

Lesson #4: If you're going to cover up your orange and hide, make sure you're not wearing your Rocky and Bullwinkle camouflage.


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